What Sets Your Job Advertisement Apart?

When it comes to recruitment, your job advertisement is essentially all you have. While some potential employees may find you through networking and recommendations, most are going to find you through our job ad, and that’s why it’s so important to make sure you’ve created a job ad that is going to attract them.

But most employers see the job advertisement as a nuisance. They tend to do one of the following:

  • Cut and paste information from someone else’s job ad.
  • Create a job ad in list form with everything you need and no other information. 
  • Design a fast job ad to get it up right away.

You may be able to find a good employee if you post a sloppy or hastily thrown together job advertisement. But what you need to ask yourself is: why would someone choose to apply to your job over someone else’s? What is it that makes you special?

You’re Not Naturally Special

Most companies will answer something about their products or their potential. They’ll talk about their name in the industry, or something about why they are expecting growth. But to a potential employee that means absolutely nothing. You’re a name on a paper. They want to know what will make them happy, and what makes you different from other employers.

You have to figure out what sets your job advertisement apart and is going to attract more top talent to you than to any other company. You can do that by:

  • Offering Better Benefits – Giving employees better benefits, perks, and pay, and writing all of that information on the job advertisement is one basic way to set your job ad apart. Applicants that know that they’re going to receive amazing things if they apply to you are going to prefer your job over a company that advertises or offers almost nothing.
  • Engaging Writing – Writing a boring job ad will get you boring people. Writing an engaging job ad will get you the best people. Talk about all of the great things about your company and its products. Be positive. Make people want to learn more about you. This strategy is not only great for finding talent – it’s also great for branding.
  • Genuine Information – You should also work on giving your job advertisement character and personality. Tell people exactly what they can expect in your workplace. Be honest, but remain positive. If it’s going to be a fast paced place, then share that with people. If it’s going to be fun with a lot of growth potential and casual atmosphere, share that too. Give people information that lets them make a real decision (as long as you remain positive about it all) and you’ll get more applicants.

These are just a few of the ways that you can improve your job advertisement in general. The most important thing to ask, however, is whether or not your job ad is more or less likely to attract applicants than others. If all you have is the same exact style and information, then your advertisement isn’t special, and you will attract the same people as everyone else.

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Webinar: How to Choose the Right Applicant

When: Thursday March 26th 2015 Time: 12:00 PM – 12:45 PM AEST (Brisbane)
Join Samantha Gellis, Recruitment and Shortlisting Specialist for this practical and insightful webinar in which our Recruitment expert will share her experiences in candidate assessment and give practical guidance and tips on the effective assessment of candidates.

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For more tips on recruitment marketing and employment branding, you may contact us at info@employmentoffice.com or visit our website at www.employmentoffice.com.au.