Make Them Want You

As they say, change begets change, happiness begets happiness, results beget… you get the picture.  In recruitment, this translates to talented employees attracting talented candidates, company benefits and rewards inspiring loyalty and a strong culture producing results.

For our specialists at Employment Office, success in recruitment is when our clients are able to recruit less often and more easily when needed as a sign that the workforce selected is well-aligned, the company is performing as a result and turnover rates are low.

The means of reducing your turnover rate, and attracting top talent when a vacancy arises, starts from the inside out.  As our employer branding experts can attest, companies with a strong employer brand are the ones to understand what is important to their people and work towards fulfilling that (with another upshot being a high performing culture and better results!).

To truly be known as an employer of choice, we recommend you tackle the top five tactics below before taking a strategic approach to your employer branding.

Pay Fairly – It can’t be ignored that people work to earn a living.  No matter their personal motivation, joy of the job or strong alignment to the corporate culture, people are motivated – even in part – by their salary.  Resentment builds when people feel undervalued and a key element in this equation is their pay.  Good employees know their worth and will seek opportunities to earn their market value, while those who remain may disengage resulting in poor productivity.  To keep them around and high performing, be sure to remunerate them appropriately with a transparent policy that ensures ongoing earning opportunities are available.

Provide Value Adds – Delivering company benefits that are valued by your ideal employees are known to engender loyalty and differentiate you from the competition.  Employees find a real sense of appreciation from a well-run benefits scheme, so it pays to express your care and support for employees tangibly.  Simple benefits like healthy snacks and Friday drinks can make a real difference, but many employers of choice provide added value benefits like financial services, workplace gyms and childcare services.  Be sure to showcase these to potential employees so they know the value associated with working for you.

Adopt a No-Door Policy – Transparency is a rare and highly prized commodity for employees.  All too often, closed-door practices – like salary reviews or restructures – send a message of exclusion to employees which can make them feel undervalued and disconnected from the direction the company is heading.  In all likelihood, there are good reasons to keep certain aspect out of reach from employees, but where possible, make the process clear by articulating what the decisions are and why, providing a timeline and allowing for (and respecting) questions.  Companies that promote inclusiveness, which starts at the top and is supported by open communication, benefit from a workforce that focuses on the work, rather than scrutinising the rationale behind it.

Put an Emphasis on Culture – There is no greater force for engagement, productivity and job satisfaction than a company culture that is authentic and speaks to the motivations of your employees.  You can’t force it, but you can, and should, actively influence it.  For a company culture to be embraced, it must be authentic and a sudden shift may seem disingenuous and be rejected.  Start by understanding what your unique company culture is and take steps to embed and strengthen it supported by strong internal communication.  Consider capturing your company culture on film as a way to bring it to life through your assets as a powerful employer branding exercise.

Celebrate Success and Create Something to Strive for – This goes beyond simple reward and recognition.  High performing companies owe their success to the efforts of the great people within the organisation.  But it doesn’t happen by accident, or without encouragement, that individuals perform at their best.  To inspire a high performing culture, it is important to recognise individuals and celebrate the wins.  For big achievements, and if your company has the means, an end of financial year trip on which employees can earn a place can be hugely motivational, deliver the results you are after and inspire company loyalty.   On a smaller level, some tactic you can adopt include providing praise, hosting casual rewards events, offering time-off if targets are hit or shouting lunch can keep the results and good behaviour ticking along.