
5 Common Job Advertisement Mistakes

Writing a job advertisement is not as easy as it sounds, which is why we offer job advertisement writing services here at Employment Office – advertisements that are known to attract the best applicants and find you the right people for the job.

For many, job advertisements are an afterthought. But the reality is that they are the only information that potentially amazing talent has to use figure out if you’re the job that’s right for them. You need to make sure that your job advertisement is as perfect as possible, in order to make sure that you’re getting the right people.

Mistakes People Make on Job Ads

Unfortunately, job advertisements are very prone to mistakes. The following are some of the most common mistakes people make when they write their job ads.

  1. Nothing About Your Company – The biggest problem that companies make is failing to say anything about their company in the job ad. Unless you’re a name brand like Google or Microsoft, there is a good chance the applicant knows little about you, and you need to make sure that they know who you are and why you would be a good employer.
  2. Unrealistic Qualifications – Another common problem is putting qualifications that are simply not necessary. For example, 5 years of experience for a role that barely needs 1 year of experience. This will turn off good applicants that may not pass your rigorous qualification process, even though they would be perfect for the job.
  3. Boring/Condescending Tone – Job ads should be positive, upbeat, and make people want to work for you. Ideally they should make the applicant feel like you want them, rather than simply a bland job ad written in a way that makes it sound as though the applicant would be “lucky” to work for you. Many job ads seem to be written as though they’re doing the applicant a favor, and that will turn off a lot of top talent.
  4. Block Text – Another common problem is simply the creation of unreadable job ads. Job advertisements are not unlike most forms of online writing – they need to have bullet points, subheadings, and short paragraphs so that the eye can easily scan for information that is important to the applicant.
  5. No Exciting Compensation – Top talent will always be looking for good pay, benefits, etc. If you don’t make any mention of them, you will be less likely to get applications. Even if you don’t pay very well compared to competitors, you should have something about pay and compensation that will entice them to your company.

Writing a quality job ad is an art form, and the above list are common mistakes that keep employers from finding the top talent they want. Contact Employment Office today to find out more about how to write a quality job ad and our job advertisement services.

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