4 things candidates are looking for in your employer brand

Many employers understand the value of promoting a strong employer brand. But what are the key things candidates are looking for? By understanding the key elements of employer brand candidates are looking for, you’ll learn how to tailor your messaging and content strategy, and the best areas to focus your efforts and attention.

Whether or not your organisation has done anything to actively manage your employer brand, you already have one! And potential candidates are examining it before deciding if your organisation is right for them. According to LinkedIn, 75% of job seekers consider an employer’s brand before even applying for a role.

There are a number of components that go into an employer brand, and all of these things work together to shape your overall employer brand. The things that comprise your employer brand include:

Things you can control:

  • Careers site
  • Recruitment advertisements
  • Website and blog
  • Culture and organisational values
  • Candidate communication

Things you can influence:

  • Employee stories and advocacy
  • Social media channels
  • Organisation reviews

Things you can indirectly influence:

  • Public perception
  • Accolades and awards.

So, what are candidates looking for? And how can you attract the right people to help your organisation?

1. Your mission

Candidates are looking for more than a paycheck. They’re looking for an opportunity to contribute towards a valuable mission. For millennials, this is particularly important, as according to the latest statistics, 78% saying they want their employer’s values to match their own.

To captivate potential hires, craft an authentic narrative about why you’re here and what’s important to you as an organisation. Your commitment to this mission should be the thread that connects all of your print and online materials, from your careers page to corporate activism to social media to employee testimonials. Give prospective candidates and idea of what drives the work you do.

2. Real information about employee experience

When investigating an organisation’s employer brand, candidates aren’t interested in corporate jargon about your products and services. They want to know what it’s like to work for you, from those who know you best and are doing the work themselves.

The best way to do this is by filling your careers site and social channels with real employee profile stories, whether they are video or written stories, or both. This makes your brand more relatable and personal. People respond well and are most engaged with compelling visual imagery, a “day in the life” photos and videos. Attractive visuals and imagery create a lasting impact.

3. An active, engaging social media presence

We live in a digital world, so social media is crucial in your employer brand strategy. Up to 57% of job seekers use social media in their hiring search. How much time can you invest in this channel, and what is your strategy?

Tailor your content to the unique style of each social media account. For example, Twitter is great for concise summaries of key industry news (such as industry blog posts and recent awards or milestones for your organisation), compelling visuals trump all else on Instagram, and Facebook gives you space to post longer content that connects with a varied demographic. Ensure that your social media manager keeps all of your social media content on-brand to give viewers a sense of your organisation’s unique identity.

4. Positive candidate experience  

The experience you create for candidates is another important component for your long-term employer branding strategy, because it’s deeply personal and candidates are paying such close attention.

78% of candidates say the overall candidate experience at a company is an indicator of how well the organisation values its employees. That means job seekers look at your candidate experience as “proof” that you do, in fact, live up to your company values.

Create a positive candidate experience by making sure your processes are short, efficient, fair, and involve good communication.

Make sure your application process is brief, intuitive, and relatively easy. Many candidates will simply give up if your ask for page after page of information. Also, remember to communicate with prospective talent throughout your recruitment process and respect their time and effort. An automated email or text message confirming submission of the application should be a given, but adding a personalised touch from a recruiter within a few days (even a simple “we are still processing your application and will be in touch soon”) is even better.

Also remember that the candidate experience doesn’t stop after you’ve made your hiring decision. Notifying those who were unsuccessful is particularly important, as 80% of people say they wouldn’t apply for another job at a company if they fail to hear back about a position. Leaving candidates with a positive impression of your company ensures that you have prospective talent waiting in the pipeline the next time you’re ready to hire.

By understanding what candidates are looking for in your employer brand, you can review and fortify your strategies to strengthen and promote your employer brand.

Find out more about our Employer Branding services here. If you’d like some advice about how to build a great employer brand for your organisation, schedule a discussion with our Recruitment Specialists by calling us on 1300 366 573 or email info@employmentoffice.com.au.