
91 employees
5 sites
3 schools




Recruitment Marketing
:Recruit Essentials (CMS)

EREA Oscar Romero Flexi Schools Network logo

The challenge: Recruiting hard-to-fill roles

EREA Oscar Romero Flexi Schools Network is comprised of four non-state schools, Flexible Learning Centres, that respond to the complex needs of young people who have been disenfranchised from mainstream education. As such, the Network need to recruit specific and specialist staff to succeed in what can be challenging roles.

Their key challenges included:

  • recruiting for challenging roles
  • limited time for recruitment
  • managing multiple applications.

The team needed affordable recruitment assistance and expertise, while still retaining choice and control in the process.

The solution: Budget-friendly recruitment campaigns

While the EREA ORFSN small recruitment team and hiring managers know the right candidate when they see them, their range of responsibilities outside recruitment mean they don’t always have time to recruit. After trying and failing to fill their vacancies with other recruitment agencies, they were referred to Scout Talent Group.

EREA ORFSN were able to purchase recruitment bundles to secure a pack of recruitment campaigns for the lowest cost. After running successful campaigns, the team can review applications themselves, shortlisting suitable candidates and coordinating panel interviews.

The results: Making successful new hires

EREA ORFSN has made several successful hires with Scout Talent Group’s recruitment campaigns.

The team is excited to start using :Recruit Essentials (CMS), which will allow them to keep some recruitment in-house and advertise certain roles themselves. When they occasionally receive a high volume of applications, a CMS will allow them to manage applications and respond to candidates more effectively.

EREA Oscar Romero Flexi Schools Network Kerrie Carter Network Senior Project Officer

Client comments

“We know the right candidates when we see them, but we have a range of responsibilites that exist outside recruitment that we need to focus on. Also, as a not-for-profit, we operate with a limited budget. So, being able to get support with recruitment campaigns, but look after candidate shortlisting ourselves, allows us to get exactly what we need without overspending.” – Kerrie Carter, Network Senior Project Officer