Entries by Victoria McGlynn

Recruiting, Reinvented: Social Media Recruiting

Before the days of the internet and social media tools like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, traditional recruiting consisted of newspaper ads, mailed and faxed resumes, and telephones. The 2013 recruiting landscape now offers both employers and job seekers a wealth of different methods to communicate. There are many questions to ask when considering adding social […]

Office Politics

Aristotle once wrote “Man by nature is a political animal”, and you only have to look around the workplace to see that it is, in fact, true. Gossip, glad handling and the ruthless pursuit of personal agendas are just a few ways that politics are rampant in the office. It is unfortunate that such an […]

Case Study: Google Adwords campaigns for Recruitment

You might have heard of Google Adwords, but perhaps you’re not familiar with how it works and how it can impact on your brand. If this is you, we’ve put together the following case study on how Employment Office effectively uses Google Adwords to improve the results of our clients’ recruitment campaigns and strengthen their […]

Retaining your workforce in the new year

As we reported on last month, a recent study by HC Online found that 56% of Australian workers plan to leave their job in 2013, raising to light what seems to be the New Year’s resolution for a vast majority of employees – finding a new job.  Now that it appears that the extreme highs […]

Is your workplace team attractive?

Too often, recruitment advertisers can’t see their team for the trees. No matter how you approach your Recruitment Advertising, every position you advertise outlines to candidates the reasons they should apply. Most obviously, this takes form as a list of benefits they’ll receive, ranging from remuneration to perks and leave conditions. However, there are other […]