Entries by Victoria McGlynn

Top 5 tips for beating Trolls on your Company Pages

The past few weeks has seen a rise in the publicity given to ‘trolls’ of social media sites, but how can you stop your company’s social networking pages becoming the victim of their attacks? As ‘trolls’ are people who comment on social media sites do so purely to spark arguments and anger, they are often […]

Can you afford a bad hire?

Recruiting a new employee can be an exciting decision, though choosing the wrong person can be more costly than the recruitment in the first place. As one of the biggest hidden or ‘soft’ costs of recruiting, it is also one of the least considered with employers often blaming the candidate rather than their own processes. […]

Advertisers Need To Think Like A Search Engine

What To Call Your Job? The Creative vs The Simplistic You’re taking your job to market. Advertising it on a variety of boards, where you hope the right applicants will be looking. But if you’re spending the money for the job boards, you want to make sure it gets seen by relevant applicants. What do […]

Drug testing set to increase among office workers

Pre-employment testing is being brought back into public discussion after it was announced that Australian resources and construction companies may soon extend drug testing to their office based staff as employers move towards more egalitarian style workplaces. Employers often use behavioural testing and other selection procedures to screen applicants for hire, and the types of […]

You have the right to retweet

Amongst all of the strategies for using social networking for recruitment, there’s one that sometimes gets overlooked: have fun. New Zealand’s police force has taken to Twitter and Facebook with a recruitment strategy that’s proving effective: in addition to advertising positions available, they’ve established an “A Day In The Life” approach, encouraging their officers and […]

LinkedIn gives head hunters easy access to your talent pool

LinkedIn has become a phenomenon for professional networking, with over 100 million users worldwide and over 2 million users in Australia alone.  Used as a key business resource for not only strengthening relationships, but also for recruitment, it’s no surprise that staff are also attracted by the opportunity to build their career profile and open […]

Getting ahead with LinkedIn head-hunting

With over 135 million users worldwide, and just over 2 million of those users based in Australia, it’s hard to deny that LinkedIn is making its mark in the social media landscape.  In fact, more than one professional per second signs up to LinkedIn. But are companies using LinkedIn to its full advantage?  How can […]


Crowdsourcing: it’s a buzzword in business at the moment, and it’s specifically spreading within the recruitment industry. It’s a term for when you outsource a task, project or problem, but instead of taking it to a specialised contractor, you put it out to the general crowd. Members of the public from a vast range of […]