Connecting candidates to your values

As part of your recruitment strategy, connecting candidates with your values and purpose is a great way to attract and retain the best talent for your organisation. More and more organisations are promoting their purpose and core values to attract, connect with and retain the right people.

Millennials are more receptive to cause marketing than previous generations and are more likely to buy items associated with a cause. They also expect companies to support the social issues and causes they care about and will reward them if they do.

Over 54% of talent leaders cite ‘inspiring purpose’ as the most common Employee Value Proposition (EVP) theme (Universum, Employer Branding Now Report 2019).

This report also states Millennials are increasingly seeking jobs that are ‘meaningful’ and ‘make a difference to the world’. 48% of the World’s Most Attraction Employers (WMAE) state one of their primary objectives is ‘enhancing employee advocacy’.

Here are some things to keep in mind when promoting your values when recruiting.

Use consistent brand messaging

Your purpose may already be tied into your employer brand. A brand’s purpose is a bold affirmation of its reason for being. It conveys what the organisation stands for in historical, ethical, emotional and practical terms. No matter how it’s communicated to employees and customers, a company brand’s purpose is the driving force that enables a company to define its true brand and create its desired culture (Gallup).

As part your recruitment advertising campaigns, ensure you include brand messaging around your organisation’s purpose and values: who you are, what your stand for, and the benefits of being part of your organisation. This helps you distinguish yourself as an employer of choice by articulating your points of difference. This, in turn, improves application, acceptance and conversion rates, maximising your recruitment return on investment.

There are a number of ways to further bring your purpose and values to life for candidates and incorporate it into your overall recruitment marketing and employer branding strategy.

Tell authentic people stories

Authentic employee experiences are a great way to bring your employer brand, organisational purpose and values to life. Give your employees a platform to share their stories through written articles and videos, and promote these on your website, careers site, blog, recruitment advertisements and social media channels.

Share stories about events and community activities

Another way to communicate your purpose and values is by tying it to the events you host or are involved in, and community activities. How are your people making a difference outside of their workplace? Share photos of your people on social media, and leverage articles and video to highlight the events you are involved in.

Promoting and connecting potential candidates to your purpose and values is a great way to ensure you bring the right people on board, for the right reasons.

Find out more about Employer Branding here, or call us on 1300 366 573 or email

Leveraging the power of employee referrals in construction and manufacturing

Regardless of the industry you are recruiting for, many of the same recruitment marketing principles still apply. You need a marketing and advertising strategy that targets the right candidates followed by an efficient and effective shortlisting and selection process.

However, recruiting for construction and manufacturing presents many of its own unique challenges that can make it difficult for organisations to maintain the optimal staffing levels and remain competitive. In this article, we look at how word-of-mouth hiring and incentivised employee referrals can assist with recruiting in construction and manufacturing.

Factor in external influences

One of the things that makes construction and manufacturing so unique is its ‘boom and bust’ cycle, which reflects a range of factors including population growth, employment figures, interest rates and Australia’s overall economy. When recruiting for these roles, you need to be nimble, flexible and have the ability to anticipate your future staffing needs.

The total volume of construction activity across Australia has increased in the last two years, with a 2019 report by Master Builders Australia citing that activity nationwide is estimated to have increased by 11.4% to $220.8 billion during 2017/18. More demand translates to increase need for talent – which is why strategies such as referrals are becoming more and more important.

Attract talent through word of mouth

Word-of-mouth recruiting can often occur naturally when employees share the merits of their employer to friends, family and acquaintances. Current employees know what it’s like to work in the organisation and therefore refer people who they believe would be a good ‘fit’ for a new role. Most employees also care about their reputation so will only refer those they are interested in working with and can vouch for.

Suppliers, clients and sub-contractors also typically have a shortlist of workers who they would recommend, as do previous employees who can assist with vetting potential new hires. Most recruitment professionals also prefer to hire a candidate who not only have a quality reference, but are recommended by someone they know and trust.

Employee referrals can often mean candidates start with a better base knowledge of the position, the company and its culture because of their connection to the referring employee.

According to Susan Mayson, Associate, Australian Centre for Research in Work and Employment,“candidates are usually faster at getting up to the required standard of performance. There is evidence that employees who are good performers are likely to recommend potential recruits who are also likely to become good performers.”

Offer bonuses and incentives

More employers creating formal internal referral programs, where employees are offered financial incentives to motivate and reward those who put forward a successful referral and assist with filling job vacancies. Referral bonuses are determined by the type of position, a company’s hiring needs, and the nature of the workforce, however they often take the form of either cash incentives or other perks. Some organisations also offer an initial bonus and then a series of additional bonuses if the new recruit stays in the organisation, which motivates the employee to assist the new hire to succeed.

Disadvantages to be wary of!

Word-of-mouth hiring does have some disadvantages, including limiting the number of considered applicants you can consider and potentially reducing workforce diversity. Which is why it’s important to develop a formal recruitment referral program, keeping things like diversity in mind, which is transparent and grants all existing employees the chance to participate. You should also make it clear that recruitment referrals don’t automatically result in appointment – policies and procedures still need to be followed to ensure the right candidate is employed for the job.

To find out more about tailoring a recruitment strategy for your business, call us on 1300 366 573 or email

4 reasons to incorporate video into your recruitment strategy

The consumer marketing landscape is constantly evolving, and in terms of digital platforms, research has shown that Australians over 18 now spend more than 21 hours per month watching online video, whether it’s on a tablet, desktop or smartphone. In fact, by 2020, the average person is expected to spend nearly half of their total time online watching videos.

These trends are also been seen in the recruitment sector, with 57% of talent teams now using online video content in their recruitment marketing efforts, according to a global survey by VideoMyJob and SocialTalent. 73% of business-to-business marketers also believe using video for recruitment positively impacts their return on investment (ROI). But how can it be leveraged effectively?

1. Increased engagement

Candidate attraction is still one of recruiters’ biggest challenges. So providing ‘rich’ content to candidates can increase engagement, particularly from passive or continuous candidates. Video enables them to imagine themselves visually in a role at your organisation, regardless of whether or not they choose to apply.

Using video content when recruiting creates a visual, emotional experience without you having to meet applicants and potential candidates in person. Being able to see what your organisation is like, your values and team members allows candidates to make informed decisions about whether or not to apply.

Candidates typically spend more time watching a video in a recruitment advertisement than they do on text-only advertisements. Video is also mobile friendly! 90 per cent of job seekers start looking for roles using their mobile device, which is just another reason video is such a valuable talent attraction tool. Millennials and Gen Z are particularly receptive to video.

2. Promote your employer brand

Using video for recruitment can also be an effective means of promoting the less tangible aspects of your organisation, including your brand’s vision and values. Candidates can get a snapshot of your cultural identity, see what makes your organisation unique, and witness your Employee Value Proposition (EVP) authentically in action.

In the long run, video recruiting can also increase retention rates, as candidates have a better idea of the job role and what they can expect from the workplace. Workplace showreels are a creative way of attracting top talent that can result in more suitable and engaged applicants, particularly if they highlight company perks, incentives, personality and ‘day in the life of’ scenarios.

3. Build trust

Obtaining honest, transparent feedback from current employees is also an effective way to leverage video content when recruiting to build trust with potential candidates. In fact, 68% of respondents surveyed trust employees the most when it comes to explaining a company’s benefits and Employee Value Proposition (EVP).

Interviewing your current team members about their roles, day-to-day duties and projects they’ve worked on give potential candidates an insight into what it would be like to work for you. Video content can also increase the chances that a job ad will be shared on social media channels. In the same survey, almost half of respondents said video was the content they would most likely share with their own social networks.

4. See tangible results

 The value of video for recruitment marketing can’t be ignored, with more than half of respondents surveyed spending the same or more of their marketing dollars on video content in 2019 compared to previous years. It’s no longer just a ‘nice to have’ – it’s a key element in attracting top talent and driving inbound traffic.

Video content also not only helps raise brand awareness and an organisation’s Employee Value Proposition (EVP), it can boost website traffic, drive click-through rates, increase ROI, and ultimately convert both passive candidates and job seekers into actual job applicants.

For support with creating beautiful, branded recruitment videos, complete the form in the link, call us on 1300 366 573 or email

Reducing employee turnover in retail

According to the latest data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the retail sector currently employs over 1,286,100 people, which accounts for around 9.9% of the total workforce. Over the past five years, employment in the industry has increased by around 4.1%, however despite this, retail employee turnover is still relatively high.

In this article, we examine a range of strategies to reduce employee turnover, how to minimise risk factors, and how to harness recruitment best practices to positively impact your organisation’s bottom line.

Understand the key causes 

Employees move on for a range of reasons, some of which may be out of your control. However, minimising employee turnover can often be a simple as identifying employees that aren’t the right ‘fit’ and formulating strategies to retain those that are.

Good communication can offer these insights, including holding one-on-one meetings which can provide an open forum for employees to discuss the positives and negatives of their job, including instigating a discussion about hours, wages and even advancement.

Employee surveys can also gauge employee satisfaction, particularly if conducted by an outside source that can provide anonymity and therefore encourage honesty and valuable feedback.

And while it’s often difficult to let an employee go, it can be an opportunity to gather insights via an exit interview. This can include a discussion about why they are leaving, what they liked/disliked about their job and the company and what improvements they would suggest that might help retain future employees.

Increase motivation

Employees who leave organisations, including those in the retail sector, often do so because they are not offered a clear career path or an opportunity to develop their skills. This is especially prevalent with Millennials (employees born between 1980 and 1994).

Positive recruitment strategies include offering retail workers more responsibility to make them feel more engaged and empowered, and it also demonstrates that you trust and value them. Offering career advancement in the form of a promotion or a position of leadership can increase motivation and it rewards employees for performance.

Retail organisation can also create open dialogue about future opportunities, encourage a culture of promoting internally and offer mentoring or training programs to increase education and new skills.

Reward loyalty

Regular pay rises and bonuses are a valuable way of retaining retail employees, however other incentives also work. These can range from tailored Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) and perks like regular flexitime, to free food, gym memberships, financial planning advice and social team building activities.

Aside from assisting with attracting new top talent, rewarding loyalty can also enhance your organisation’s culture and increase employee productivity. The key is to promote employee wellbeing and a sense of purpose across all aspects of their lives, including in their financial security, social relationships, physical health and community involvement. 

Hire carefully

Taking the time to hire the right person saves time, money and stress in the long run, however it does require a carefully thought-out recruitment strategy. This is particularly true in the retail sector when it comes to hiring for seasonality or diversity.

Reduce employee turnover and positively impact your bottom line by understanding the key causes, minimising risk factors, structuring attractive bonuses and incentives and using a strong recruitment strategy.

Interested in learning more about screening, shortlisting and selection best practices? Contact an Employment Office Recruitment Specialist on or 1300 366 573.

60-day check-in questions for your new hires

Are you conducting 60-day check-ins with your new hires? They’re a great opportunity to ensure your new team members are making a good start in your organisation and leverage feedback to improve your processes. Here’s a list of 60-day check-in questions for your new hires, to guide you in your conversations. 

It’s exciting to welcome a great new hire into your organisation to benefit from their skills and experience, and add to your existing teams and culture. You may have already conducted a 30-day check-in. The 60-day mark is another good opportunity to assess their progress and ensure they’re feeling challenged and engaged. 

By understanding if your new team members are meeting their targets and feeling fulfilled in their role, you can provide them with the support and attention they need and deserve, and avoid the negative consequences of needing to rehire. In addition to assessing their performance, take the time to understand and measure their happiness at work and within your culture. You can also use their feedback to improve your employer branding strategies and your onboarding and training process for future hires. 

60-day check-in questions for your new hires

  • What do you like most about your team and our organisation? 
  • Are we meeting your expectations? Is your job what you expected it to be?
  • Have you experienced any issues in meeting your responsibilities? If so, what are they?
  • How did you find your experience coming onboard with us? 
  • Did you have any positive or negative feedback about the process? Is there anything that you recommend we continue doing or change for future hires? 
  • Do you feel confident that your training has set you up for success? 
  • Do you have all the information, tools and resources you require to perform your job well? 
  • Do you feel challenged in your role? 
  • Do you feel fulfilled in your role and want to stay with us? 
  • Do you feel as if you have all the support you need to be successful in this role? Is there anything else we can do to help? 

Conducting 60-day check-ins will ensure your new hires make a great start in your organisation and helps you leverage feedback to improve your processes. Use these catch-ups as opportunities to provide support, understand challenges from their perspective and obtain recommendations for improvement. 

Looking for more advice ways you can improve your employer brand? Have a read of our employer branding guide or call us to speak to a specialist on 1300 366 573.

Nurturing your talent pool: 3 of the best ways to foster candidate care

Candidate care is an important aspect of recruitment that needs to be handled thoughtfully and deliberately. You need to be straightforward, but still considerate of your talent pool as individuals.

Candidate care is the respect, time and way you interact with your job candidates. Candidate care is critical in today’s talent market, as it has long-term impact on your ability to attract the best people. (Bad first impressions can be almost impossible to recover from!)

Candidate care starts the moment you write and post your position description, and it extends throughout your hiring process, right through to when you and the candidate decide to part ways. Candidate care is always important, whether you offer candidates the role, or not.

Candidate care isn’t just a “thank you” gift to applicants. If you leave a candidate waiting at reception, re-ask the same questions they’ve answered three times before, go into meetings unprepared, reschedule at the last minute … twice, or fail to get back to them in a timely manner, there’s very little that will change your candidate’s negative impression of your organisation.

Here are Employment Office’s top tips for optimising candidate care to leave a positive impression on all your candidates.

Use great communication

When recruiting to fill a vacancy, it’s easy to make your primary focus the top candidate you’re looking to hire. But what about the remainder of your talent pool who took the time and effort to apply?

For applicants who are ineligible due to their location, salary expectations or other reasons, you may choose to notify them within the first week or two that they have been unsuccessful in a simple, straightforward email, thanking them for their time. Candidates much rather receiving unsuccessful feedback than hearing nothing at all. Not to mention, candidates may contact you regarding the status of their application, which can end up being more time-consuming for you.

For those who have passed your initial screening questions or whose applications you are still considering, a simple email at the two or three week mark to let them know that you are still reviewing applications is another great way to use communication to keep your candidates informed.

For those who have progressed to the later stages of the process but have been unsuccessful, take them time to give them a personalised phone call. If you don’t reach them over the phone, leave them a voicemail message and follow up with an email. While an email for those in the early stages is adequate, for candidates who have progressed and taken time out their days to participate in interviews and other screening activities, a phone call is the best way build good relationships and strengthen your brand image. Who knows? This simple gesture may encourage them to apply for another role in the future for which they are an even better fit.

A strong candidate management system will enable you to sort applications and bulk email candidates with easy templates to deliver unsuccessful feedback, invite candidates for interviews and more. That way, good communication doesn’t require a hefty time investment.

Keep your talent pool engaged

Just because candidates don’t meet the requirements of a role you are advertising, doesn’t mean they won’t be suitable for other roles, or may be suitable after they gain more experience in the future.

Engage your talent pool by giving unsuccessful candidates an attractive call to action. Encourage them to apply for other roles, sign up to be notified of future opportunities or follow your organisation on social media.

By engaging your talent pool, you will strengthen your employer brand and increase the chances of better quality applications in the future (from candidates who feel positively about your brand!).

Provide feedback

If your candidates have made it to the final stages of the process, it is important to provide them with feedback as to why they haven’t progressed further. Candidates can feel disheartened making it to the final stages and not receiving the role, which can feel worse if they are not provided with any feedback as to why they were not chosen.

By reaching out to them with a personalised phone call, thanking them for their time and providing some brief feedback, you will deliver a positive brand experience to your candidates. It might be that they were a great fit for the role, however, the top applicant simply had an additional qualification or skill which made them stand out, which can encourage them to apply for another role in the future.

Feedback is an essential part of candidate care. LinkedIn’s Global Talent Trends report states 94% of candidates want interview feedback, but only 41% receive it. The report states, ‘Talent is 4x more likely to consider your company for future opportunity when you offer them constructive feedback’.

Employment Office’s Shortlisting and Selection specialists are experts in candidate care and can deliver unsuccessful notifications and provide feedback on your behalf, representing your organisation with the utmost professionalism.

To find out more about how Employment Office can improve candidate care in your organisation, contact us on 1300 366 573.

Retain great talent: Strategies to foster employee loyalty

When you’re running a recruitment campaign, candidate attraction is most likely at the forefront of your thinking. Don’t let employee retention become an afterthought. Here are three simple strategies to improve employee retention and increase employee loyalty. 

Employee retention isn’t something you start working on during a recruitment campaign or when you’ve hired a candidate. Fostering employee loyalty should be continuous! Retaining great talent is the foundation of organisational success, because after all, you recruit great talent to retain great talent. So, here are three great employee retention strategies you can implement today.

Invest in your teams

Your first thought about investing might be money – but it’s much more than that. It’s also about time. Invest time in developing your teams, using team building to foster teamwork and productivity.

If you already invest time and resources into your existing teams, share this through your recruitment advertisements to attract great candidates. Top talent wants to see how their work may be valued and how they can develop in your organisation.

It’s no wonder that when your teams are disengaged, productivity decreases. Research reveals that 70% of employees aren’t engaged in their roles which creates an estimated cost of $450 billion to $550 billion in lost productivity per year. Investing time into your team will increase productivity and overall work happiness, saving your organisation money and giving you the ability to retain great people

Empower your teams

Empowering your team is a great way to demonstrate trust. According to Forbes, employees who feel empowered or have a level of autonomy within their roles feel more engaged in their jobs than those who do not.

“Employees who felt a low level of empowerment were rated with engagement at the 24th percentile, whereas those with a high level of empowerment were at the 79th percentile. Clearly, empowerment counts.”

So how can you empower your team? Share their successes on your social media channels and provide incentives as a reward for meeting targets.

Sharing how you appreciate their effort and hard work in day-to-day conversations too.

For example, one of your team members may not have performed so well in a quarter. Express that you fully appreciate their efforts and expect they will learn from this result. Offer them support in areas they may need it and consider if any workplace or personal problems may have impacted their results. Great leadership fosters employee loyalty over the long-term. Employees should feel valued and empowered to improve even after a tough conversation about KPIs and results.

Provide excellent leadership and support

Leadership is arguably one of the most important elements of candidate retention. Employees remain loyal to great leaders. Continue to develop and improve your leadership skills, offer support, and understand on a deep level what your employees want from leaders.

In addition to this, consider offering additional support to candidates and new hires too. The recruitment process can be stressful for candidates, so offering your support during the onboarding process and demonstrating great leadership while they navigate their initial few weeks is essential to making a great impression. Continue this support as they become more autonomous in their decision making is vital.

Focusing on these three elements will nurture a positive workplace environment for loyal employees to thrive.

The overarching theme of retention is empowering your people. If your people feel empowered in their role and the organisation, they are more likely to stay loyal to the brand and become advocates. This makes talent attraction much easier over the long term. Investing in your team, building trust and providing support where required will create an empowered and loyal workforce who are in it for the long run.

Schedule a discussion with our Recruitment Specialists, call us on 1300 366 573 or email

Release poor performers fast through a no-fault divorce approach

So, you have a robust shortlisting process in place and you’re confident you’re only hiring the best talent. But let’s get real. Mistakes happen. What if you onboard a poor performer? Here’s an effective approach to release poor performers that can work for your organisation. 

While it’s expensive to recruit and train new hires, it’s even more costly to permit mis-hires to sit in a position for lengthy periods of time due to the damage they can create.

Of course, it takes time for new people to learn, gain confidence in their new role, and hit KPIs. However, if they display soft skills or other qualities that are clearly misaligned with your organisation’s goals or culture (e.g. unenthusiastic, rude, poor team player, lack of willingness to learn, bad attitude), this represents a clear problem that will not be resolved with more time or training!

According to Recruitment Strategist Dr John Sullivan, “Today’s sparse talent pool increases your chances of a hiring mistake. But a no-fault divorce approach allows you to release mis-hires quickly. And despite the lack of available talent to choose from, the pressure from hiring managers to “get me, anybody, I need butts in chairs” is immense.”

Average hiring error rates sit at 46%. 

From this perspective, it’s not surprising that hiring mistakes are increasingly common. Which is why you need to get comfortable to release poor performers.

“Unfortunately. because the standard performance management process is so painfully slow and ineffective, it’s a leap of faith to expect it to weed out poor-performing new hires. What organisations need is quicker and less disruptive alternative, which I call a “new hire no-fault divorce” approach. This intuitive approach allows you to quickly release new hires that are not working out while minimising conflict and avoiding the threat of legal action.”

Weak performers do not get better with more time or training. You can train skills, but you cannot train attitude.

What is a “new hire no-fault divorce” release mechanism? 

A “no-fault divorce” concept is tried and proven.

Data from multinational technology conglomerate Cisco revealed that, “after six months on the job, there was little probability that the already weak performance of a new hire, would significantly improve over the next six months.”

Yes you read it here, weak performers do not get better.

Here’s how a “no-fault” process might work for your organisation.

Schedule regular check-ins and a six-month assessment 

Sullivan recommends that the process to remove poor hires begins at the six-month mark. This is because in order to let someone go, you need to have signficant volume of data and evidence that they are not performing according to set standards.

Typically, due to lack of performance data, HR and talent departments rely on convincing poor hires to voluntarily resign.

“The no-fault mechanism begins at the six-month point, where it identifies weak performing hires. HR then projects the estimated performance trajectory of weak new hires for the remainder of their first year. HR then targets those whose performance is projected at year-end to be below the acceptable standard for release.”

Avoid legal issues

Instead of the traditional approach, set targets for your new hires to meet and encourage them to resign to avoid legal issues. Approach hires anticipated to have continued poor performance and share statistics around their chances of success by year-end, which may be slim. During this conversation, you could offer them to option to stay on board, or leave immediately.

“If they agree to leave now, you can offer them between two- and five-months’ severance pay. And, because their continued weak performance is only projected, they get to leave with a positive job reference. As part of the severance package, they also agree to keep their termination quiet and to sign an agreement not to take legal action. Now some may argue that your organisation would be “rewarding for poor performance.” However, the cost of the projected severance payment (even at five months) is usually much less than the value that will be added if the weak current hire is replaced with a top-performing new hire.”

Offering low and high-risk options 

“The carrot and stick approach gives the new hire a low and a high-risk choice. If they don’t want to accept the immediate severance, they still have the option to choose to stay on the job for the remainder of the year.”

If their projected weak performance level turns out to be accurate, you will now have enough performance data to terminate them formally. Therefore, they lose the severance option and leave with a now fully justified negative reference.

“This carrot and stick approach encourages more than the majority to take the early exit option.

61% of new hires are unhappy because they feel that they had been misled during the hiring process (Harris Interactive). 

What if it was your fault? 

In cases where you have oversold your role or misled candidates with inaccurate position descriptions and your new hire ends up disillusioned and confused, this will affect their performance.

As such, the performance deficit and unhappiness of your new hire may not be their fault.

“Without having to assign blame, it makes sense to arrive at a “no-fault conclusion” and then offer the new hire the severance package with a positive reference. Obviously, recruiting leadership then needs to be made aware of any overselling.

Benefits of this approach 

Candidates know they have a safe option to “opt out”, which may help get candidates who are unsure over the line and improve your offer acceptance rate.

“Also, being able to leave with some money and a good reference might also directly help reduce some of the new hire’s anger after they find out the job wasn’t what was promised. Getting them to leave while happy could prevent the ex-employee from damaging the firm’s employer brand image on social media.”

This also benefits your organisation in that you can release poor performers far more quickly. By setting a 6-month benchmark, you cut release times in half, instead of waiting for yearly reviews.

“Getting rid of any new hire that doesn’t “fit” also reduces the damage they can do to the corporate culture. Having new hires leave reduces the team trauma quickly that would have occurred if you waited and lost a long-term employee. Weak employees also take up to 17% of a manager’s time (Robert Half), releasing them frees up managers to do other things. Finally, knowing they can much more easily release a new hire that doesn’t work out, hiring managers will take more risks on an exciting candidate with a few iffy characteristics.”

Other strategies to release poor performers early 

You can also consider using onboarding and training periods as an assessment prior to offer

“Some firms use an extended onboarding process to provide more time to identify their hiring mistakes. Facebook (6 weeks) and Zappos (4 weeks) use their extended onboarding process as a secondary assessment level. The initial training that is provided to new hires can also be used as an assessment level. Firms like Zappos (which pays $3,000) even offer all new hires a bonus to quit at the end of onboarding/training, if they realize this is ‘not the job for them.’”

You could even consider placing new hires into temporary-to-permanent contracts. That way you and your new hires have a few weeks to assess for fit.

“The hardest thing to accurately assess during even an extended interview period is cultural However, you can extend your cultural fit assessment time frame by putting all new hires under contract for “a cultural and job tryout.”

Standard performance management just doesn’t cut it these days, so take this approach to release poor performers.

“Most firms do rely on the standard performance management process to get rid of new hires. Unfortunately, almost without exception, I find corporate performance management processes to be ineffective. Utilising this process usually means you will have to wait an additional 6 to 18 months before you can terminate a weak new hire. And during that waiting time, the recent hire will continue to underperform and to take up a slot that could be filled by a better performing new hire.”

Do you need a recruitment campaign to attract the best candidates to your vacancy? Schedule a discussion with our Recruitment Advertising Specialists, call us on 1300 366 573 or email

Alex Fraser and Hanson win CCAA Innovation Awards for Diversity & Inclusion 

Congratulations to our valued clients, Alex Fraser and Hanson, who won this year’s CCAA Innovation Award for Diversity & Inclusion through the success of their Woman Driving Transport Careers program. Employment Office was so pleased to play a part in attracting and shortlisting the best talent for this fantastic initiative. 

With the future of work constantly evolving, a number of industries are facing tough recruitment challenges – particularly the driving and construction industry. But with smart recruitment advertising, attraction strategies, and screening processes, it’s possible to secure the best talent. 

Hanson Southern Region and Alex Fraser secured new talent through their Woman Driving Transport Careers program through a partnership with Transport Women Australia Limited and Volvo Group Australia and Wodonga TAFE’s Transport Division DECA.

Jeff Burns, HR Manager Hanson Southern Region and Alex Fraser Group, shared their reason for launching the program, and its success.

“We have 4000 employees and 1800 truck drivers, so our pipeline for drivers needs to be solid, particularly as the business grows and we add trucks to our transport fleets. So, we really had to understand what was changing in the transport driver marketplace.”

“Our Australian CEO for Hanson, Phil Schacht, has joined Male Champions of Change which enables male business leaders to champion gender diversity in their organisation. He felt we could do something in our driver workforce through our recruitment.”

Burns started conversations with Wodonga TAFE and DECA who mentioned their upcoming driver training programs. The WDTC program was, therefore, an opportunity for Alex Fraser and Hanson to secure eight new trained employees. Participants in the program receive support and training to prepare them for their driving tests. They also have the opportunity to drive the same trucks as they would be when employed.

Hanson and Alex Fraser engaged Employment Office as their trusted recruitment partner, to run recruitment advertisements on traditional job boards, complemented with targeted social media advertising campaigns. They promoted the campaign through their company’s social channels. 

“It was, by and large, a very positive and widely-shared social media post,” said Burns. “We were really surprised by how many thousands of people looked at it, and how far around the world it went!”

Alex Fraser and Hanson were able to target their advertisement at women, as the opportunity qualified under equal opportunity legislation. (Note, if your organisation is looking to recruit a certain demographic, ensure your advertisement is not discriminatory. Equal opportunity law is state-based, so check the law in your location before you advertise, or book a discussion with one of our recruitment specialists.)

Recruitment was challenging, as they were seeking passive candidates who didn’t necessarily have a commercial driving background. Instead, they had to assess for qualities to shortlist instead, such as adventurousness and willingness to have a go.

Employment Office’s recruitment advertisement also included a number of screening questions, which drastically streamlined the shortlisting and selection process. 

Alex Fraser and Hanson received approximately 260 applications for their eight roles. From this talent pool, they invited 30 candidates to attend a group assessment day which was run by Employment Office.

After the group assessment day, seven candidates were offered employment.

“We had a challenging timeline of six weeks from advertising to making the offer, including comprehensive truck driver medicals. Some of our candidates had to provide notice at their other organisations, but we had to complete training before the end of the year! We managed to secure seven new hires. The instructors at Wodonga TAFE gave glowing praise for all our candidates.”

Winning CCAA’s Innovation Award for Diversity and Inclusion 

The CCAA Innovation Awards are a two-year program of annual state awards, the winners of which compete for the National Awards biennially. The awards recognise innovation in the way the construction materials industry is committed to continually improving its performance in a range of areas. CCAA promotes innovative thinking and leadership to inspire others to deliver improved performance in their businesses and across the industry.

Congratulations Hanson Southern Region and Alex Fraser for winning the Diversity & Inclusion award, which recognises the outstanding contribution they have made in improving the level of Diversity & Inclusion in their workplace and the industry more generally. 

Hanson and Alex Fraser received the award for their Woman Drivers Transport Careers program, designed to bridge the gap between licensing standards and professional industry requirements and increase the participation of women drivers across the Australian Road Transport industry to address the shortage of drivers in this sector. 

The State Awards were hosted at the annual CCAA Awards Dinners which was attended by over 1100 representatives of industry, government, suppliers and sponsors. The National Awards will be hosted at the Construction Materials Industry Conference, the industry’s premier biennial event. 

The state winners will now go as finalists for the biennial National Awards in 2020. Congratulations Hanson, Alex Fraser and Employment Office, and well done to all the winners

Recruiting for local government? Use Instagram to strengthen your employer brand

Instagram is a great social media tool for employer branding. If you’re recruiting for the public sector, there’s no reason you can’t use it to attract more candidates to your vacancies.

It is a common misconception that working in the public sector means that there is no room for creativity when it comes to recruitment. With recruitment becoming more candidate-driven, being an employer of choice is becoming more important. 

Research suggests that 68% of active candidates look at social media when searching for work and 22% investigate the social media of the employer before applying.

As the fastest growing social media site, Instagram is becoming a critical tool for candidate attraction. Here are three reasons why your local government organisation should leverage Instagram as a recruitment tool. 

Instagram adds authenticity to your brand

Organisations and people who use Instagram for business are using it to promote themselves or their brand, so it’s an excellent tool for local government. By promoting the great work you do for your community, you can improve the way your community and potential candidates view your work.

Plus, when you create an open discourse about the positive work in your organisation (i.e. the fun events you have planned or the success and stories from your employees), it authentically communicates the type of work people do and enables potential candidates to see themselves in a role. Those who do not work in local government don’t often see what happens behind the scenes. By giving insights into the fun and positive aspects of working within your organisation via Instagram, you reach a large audience and improve the way your community views your work.

The visual aspect of Instagram

As an image-based social media platform, Instagram is great for graphic recruitment advertisements. Advertise your vacancies using an eye-catching image or graphic that will capture your audience’s attention and encourage them to apply. You can also make your organisation’s Instagram feel personal, speaking directly to your audience by featuring photographs of community projects that are underway or even a fun aspect of the working day (see example below of a local government post from Cumberland Council in NSW).

Plus, the beauty of Instagram doesn’t require you to always have professional photographs. While professionally taken images are going to enhance the look of your Instagram profile, images can also be taken on your team members’ phones. This technique can help to create the impression that your local government is right there in the action and present a more personal angle to your employer brand.

Your current and future audience is on Instagram

You may think Instagram is just for millennials and Gen Z. While a large majority are of this age bracket, 33% of Instagram users are between the ages of 30 and 49. That is a huge chunk of your mature community and audience that you want and need to promote your employer brand to.

Plus, with the majority of those on Instagram being a younger demographic, your future audience and voters are very likely to be present on the platform. Presenting local government as being an important aspect of adult life and a great place to consider starting a career, you can begin promoting your employer brand to your future workforce, earlier.

If you’re interested in having a discussion about strengthening your employer brand, Employment Office’s Employer Branding specialists can help you become an employer of choice. Read more about our Employer Branding services here, or get in touch to speak directly to our experts on 1300 366 573.